f Modern Homes for All f k Houses of the Future f f Building Further Ahead Sed ut pespia tis une Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis is natus error accusantium doemque lauium, tom aperiam.

about KJA Design

•KJA is an interior design company established in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
•Throughout 7 years of experience, we have designed and implemented interior ar-chitectural finishing in addition to supplying furniture for various administrative, com-mercial and residential projects.
•In our designs, we always seek to meet our clients’ functional requirements in a beau-tiful and simple manner.
•We provide our clients with integrated services from initial designs to the final touches

Each new project is a challenge for us to reach the best integrated solution for the project,

Our Works

do you want to work with us?

For more than 7 years of experience, we study and analyze our industry field in order to determine the main factors that have the greatest impact on the success of our interior design projects.

  • Best possible use of spaces.
  • Creative solutions outside the box.
  • Cost-effective design.
  • Limited timeline for the project.

    Contact us

    Let's talk?

    Our office

    Mecca, Saudi Arabia

    +966 54 289 0652


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